13 Research-Backed Benefits of Coffee And Its Side Effects

benefits of coffee

For years the benefits of coffee have been widely debated.

Is it good or bad for the human body? Does it benefit the human body in the long run or does it harm it?

Some believe that coffee is bad for us, while others say that coffee is beneficial to us, but as far as science is concerned, drinking coffee in moderation is beneficial.

If you’re a coffee-lover, this is good news for you, but if you still have doubts, or if you’re wondering what the benefits of drinking coffee are, here are 13 health benefits of drinking your favorite morning cup – and yes, they’re all research-based!

13 Research-Backed Benefits Of Coffee

benefits of coffee

1) Coffee can help you burn fat

According to research, caffeine can increase your metabolic rate by around 3-11%. Metabolic rate is one major factor in burning fat and keeping your body fit. When you drink coffee, the caffeine stimulates your nervous system which then signals to your fat cells to break down fat.

2) It boosts your energy for the day

You probably already know this, just from experience, but one of the major benefits to coffee is the energy boost it provides. While it does provide an energy boost, there is research backing the benefits of caffeine as a whole for the human body.

Once you drink coffee, its caffeine will induce what is called “brain hypoperfusion,” which simply means your brain’s energy metabolism will increase while simultaneously decreasing blood flow. This process releases norepinephrine, a chemical responsible for making one more alert.

As you will later see, this energy-boosting benefit of coffee does not only keep us awake for whatever reason we are using it for but it benefits our whole body and brain as well when used in moderation.

3) Coffee contains essential nutrients

Coffee goes beyond boosting our energy level and providing us with a nice hot morning drink; it also contains some of the essential nutrients our bodies need.

According to SELF Nutrition Data, a single cup of coffee contains:

·  Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 11% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI).

·  Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): 6% of the RDI.

·  Manganese and potassium: 3% of the RDI.

·  Magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3): 2% of the RDI.

The percentages may not seem very large, but they add up at the end of the day. Besides, if you drink coffee regularly, you’re getting these vitamins regularly as well.

4) Coffee can enhance your physical performance

Caffeine helps in breaking down your body fat and converting it into fuel. Since your body fat is converted into fuel, aside from actually burning your fat, you become more energetic for the day.

Also, caffeine can increase the adrenaline in your body as well – which prepares your body for any intensive activities. If you’re planning to go to the gym or simply want to increase your mood, a cup of coffee will help a lot!

5) Coffee helps you in post-workout recovery

Now that you know that coffee can help boost your physical performance, it’s important to note that it can also aid in workout recovery. If you’re a bodybuilder or just someone who likes to work out, but especially if you lift weights, you’ll be glad to know that coffee helps in the recovery process as well.

Typically, after a hard workout, your muscles can be sore up to three days after. Coffee can reduce this pain. In a study done by the University of Georgia, they found that around two cups of coffee can reduce post-workout pain by up to 48%.

Because coffee aids in pain relief, you can also achieve a higher number of repetitions during your workout, allowing you to achieve more in your workouts.

5) Coffee is good for the brain

The benefits of coffee do not end with the metabolism in our body. The human brain can also benefit from a moderate dose of caffeine from coffee.

For one, coffee boosts our overall cognitive function. 

Once you drink coffee, the caffeine from the drink enters your bloodstream. After that, it travels to the brain – wherein it will block inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine. Once caffeine blocks adenosine, neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine are produced, which enhances the energy of neurons.

In other words, coffee improves your cognitive functions which can include improved mood, enhanced memory (short and long term), more alertness, and general cognitive functions.

Speaking in long-term implications, coffee is also said to help in battling Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia which all impair cognitive response.

6) Coffee can reduce your risk of cancer

Not only can coffee help with battling long-term cognitive diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia but it can also help protect you from liver and colorectal cancer.

According to studies, consuming two cups of coffee a day can lower your liver cancer risk by up to 40%, whereas if you drink 4-5 cups of coffee per day, your chances of getting colorectal cancer are only lowered by 15%.

7) Coffee can also protect your liver

The liver is one of the most important organs we have in our bodies. Just like other key organs, a damaged liver can be very fatal to our health (think of hepatitis). Consuming moderate amounts of coffee can lower the risk of liver diseases immensely.

Aside from lowering your chances of developing liver cancer, studies show that drinking around 4 cups of coffee per day can lower your chance of getting cirrhosis – a condition in which your liver is replaced by scar tissue, by up to 80%.

8) Coffee can lower your risk of heart disease

One benefit of drinking coffee that is widely debated is the relationship to heart disease. One study reported by the American Heart Association demonstrated that women who regularly drink coffee have a reduced risk of heart disease.

For stroke, some studies show that people who drink coffee regularly have a reduced risk of stroke by around 20%. However, if you have elevated blood pressure, be wary of your intake, because it can spike it even higher.

9) Coffee can lower your risk of diabetes

According to some studies, coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes by around 20-50%. One study claims that drinking coffee can reduce your risk as much as 67%. 

Nevertheless, it depends on how much sugar you put into your drink. It’s important to remember that a cup of coffee filled with sugar will negate all positive benefits.

10) Coffee is good for your oral health

Coffee is not only good for our body and mind but it is also good for our smile.

It not only protects your teeth by destroying bacteria that can harm your teeth, one of which being Streptococcus mutans. S. mutans is a bacteria that consequently causes dental cavities which are very bad for your teeth.

According to one study, regular consumption of coffee can inhibit this bacteria, S. mutans, and others, from developing on your teeth by around 40%.

Also, one tip to drinking coffee — if you drink your coffee hot, don’t drink it with cold water, it can damage your teeth due to sudden temperature change. This also applies vice-versa.

11) Coffee is one of the largest sources of antioxidants

This may surprise some of you, but coffee provides your body with a plethora of antioxidants. According to some studies, coffee has more antioxidants than various fruits and vegetables combined!

Of course, it does not mean you should ditch your fruits and veggies. It’s just that coffee has lots of antioxidants that you can benefit from.

12) Coffee can help in fighting depression

According to one Harvard study, women who drink around 4 or more cups of coffee per day have a reduced risk of becoming depressed by 20%.

The study also notes that individuals who drink 4 or more cups of coffee per day are 53% less likely to die by committing suicide. Since coffee can lower your tendency for depression, it can also make you increasingly happier daily.

13) Coffee is linked to longer life expectancy

Aside from all of the aforementioned benefits of drinking coffee, we can conclude that coffee can help you live longer. According to one study, for people ages 18-24, drinking coffee can reduce the risk of death – 20% reduced risk for men and 26% reduced risk for women.

Negative Side Effects of Drinking Coffee

what is healthy coffee

Although the health benefits of drinking coffee are plentiful, it does not mean that you should binge-drink it. Too much coffee can come with some negative side effects as well, including:

·  Anxiety

·  Muscle breakdown

·  High blood pressure

·  Rapid heart rate

·  Fatigue

·  Caffeine addiction

This may sound contrary to the ones listed above, but keep in mind that this usually happens if you only drink too much coffee. The way a person prepares their coffee also has a significant impact as well, with a sugary coffee hurting your oral health, increasing your risk of diabetes, and more.

As with most things in life, moderation is key to reaping the benefits of coffee. You can also make your coffee even more beneficial to your body by adding various supplements to it. Here we detail 9 ways that you can make your coffee healthier and more beneficial for your body.

Now that you know that your favorite morning drink is loaded with health benefits, it’s time to enjoy your coffee even more!

Interested in adding coffee to your daily routine? You can shop for our coffee here.

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